Corporate Social Responsibility Policy
Scope and purpose
The purpose of the policy is to have a clear and uniform standard to ensure that our business actions are carried out according to a good ethical standard. This policy applies to all employees at Norsk Trailer Express AS (further referred to as Nortrail) and all our partners.
Nortrail wants to have a good and positive reputation in all aspects.
Nortrail must conduct itself with integrity, respect laws, cultures and the rights of individuals in all countries where Nortrail conducts trade/business.
Follow-up and compliance with national, regional and international laws and regulations are fundamental at Nortrail. Business ethics must exceed the bare minimum, and we strive to be a company our customers and partners can be proud to cooperate with. In addition, we strive to be a company our employees can be proud to be employed by.
The UN Global Compact's 10 principles is the foundation of our CSR.
Human rights
Nortrail Supports and respects the protection of internationally recognized human rights (P.1), and ensures not to be involved in or contribute to violations of human rights (P.2).
Working lifte standards
Nortrail respects and recognizes freedom of association, and with it the right to conduct collective bargaining (P.3). Nortrail works to ensure that all forms of forced labor (P.4), child labor (P5) and discrimination (P.6) are abolished.
Nortrail shall support a precautionary approach to the environmental challenges (P.7) and take the initiative to promote increased environmental responsibility (P.8).
Nortrail must also support and encourage the development and spread of environmentally friendly technology as far as possible (P.9).
Nortrail is committed to honest and open competition. Nortrail must under no circumstances take part in corrupt actions, and takes a clear stand against corruption in its entirety (P.10).